Our History

Our History

In early 1982, the first meetings were held to form the Thorhild & District Municipal Library. Grand Opening of the Library occurred January 21, 1984 upstairs at the Arena. Early activities included author visits and Christmas parties, activities that continue today. By 1986, memberships had risen to 54 adult and 23 family memberships.

The Village of Thorhild would build a new office complex the following year and the library moved to the location where it is today. The board began looking into creating a Friends of the Library Society to act as fund-raisers for library projects in early 1993.

The Friends have been very active in the community and successfully applied for grants to bring the first public access computer into the library as well as numerous other projects to enhance the library.

In January 1999, the library joined Northern Lights Library System and through this membership became members of The Alberta Library allowing the Library to provide the citizens of Thorhild and District with the best possible access to library services.

Since 2009 and the dissolution of the village, the library is administered by the County of Thorhild Library Board.

In August 2012, the name of the library was changed to Thorhild Library.

We now boast patronage of around 400 persons and our collection includes over 10,000 items. We also have 5 public access to computers.

"You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself" - Galileo